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  • The Swagger #7 — Sunday Wildcard Edition

The Swagger #7 — Sunday Wildcard Edition

RFK Jr & George Carlin; Colpo & Kirsch; Russia & Ukraine; Black Jesus; and High-Frequency Like S*x

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I'm finally coming to the end of this process of getting The Swagger just right. Tuesday and Thursday are settled. Then I had the idea for a Sunday Wildcard. A single article, free or premium, as the wind blows. The kickoff issue #4, last Sunday, was free. But then I recalled that I use a hybrid model here, both advertising and premium membership. So, since there are ads before the paywall, there should be original content too. So, to sum it up, if it’s a free article, then that's it and no worries. If it's a premium article, I'll put up something that's original and is viciously interesting content.

Deal? Deal.

In The Swagger This Sunday

1. Bonus: It's a Hit & Run on several topics. That means it's primarily like a link roundup, but each one with brief commentary of a paragraph or three.

  1. Anthony Colpo Takes on Steve Kirsch

  2. The US called on Ukraine to stop attacks on Russian oil refineries

  3. Black Jesus Update

  4. I got a kick out of writing this about high-frequency gym workouts in my upcoming manual, currently under development and testing

2. When RFK Jr. and George Carlin Warned Us. Seemingly unrelated, but I connect dots. Everyone senses it anyway. For a long time, folks have bemoaned the general trend of things politically. But America was still recognizable as America and while there's certainly enclaves that still hold true, does Downtown San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, Chicago, or New York look like America to you, anymore? Washington DC? If your answer is no, then what's caused this?

1. Hit & Run

Item 1: Anthony Colpo Takes on Steve Kirsch

Flashback to the heyday of COVID-19, an era draped in global hysteria and an array of measures that now seem as distant as a bad dream. On the digital battleground of FreeAnimal.com, I became a prolific scribe, churning out around 100 posts amidst the chaos. Each piece, a testament to time, stands unscathed by the erosion of facts, their validity as solid as ever. However, that's a story for another day.

The crux of our tale today orbits around a certain individual, Steve Kirsch. Kirsch is somewhat of a maverick in the world of vaccine injury and excess mortality. His endeavors span beyond the COVID vaccines, shedding light on various vaccine-related injuries. Yet, amidst his commendable work lies a peculiar fixation: an alternative COVID treatment that he championed with a fervor bordering on evangelical. This advocacy, however, caught the scrutinizing eye of Anthony Colpo.

I'm no oracle on this matter, but after a cursory review of Colpo's post claiming a $25,000 prize for meeting Kirsch's challenge, it's clear to me: Kirsch bungled it. Colpo emerges victorious, rightfully claiming the $25,000 prize laid out by Kirsch. Kirsch, however, has so-far balked at either granting the prize or offering any rebuttal to Colpo's work, or further explanation. Silence often speaks volumes. In the aftermath of what is now, Kirsch's camp has been eerily quiet, with even his most ardent supporters turning mute or, at best, whispering. Sure, life's demands can delay responses, but this silence is deafening.

I know one thing for certain given the nature of highly charged controversy on the internet: if Colpo's challenge claim was bullshit and easily exposed as such, there would be a feeding frenzy on Kirsch's site that would light it up all in red.

While it might be premature to declare a definitive victor in this saga, the current silence is telling. Feel free to dive into the details and make your own judgment.

Item 2: The US called on Ukraine to stop attacks on Russian oil refineries.

All you ninnies who got it wrong from day one...

...and all of us who got it right from day one...

...one group of us had a deep understanding of geopolitics, cold-war politics, recent history, the region, and its culture...

...and the others listened to...

...laughably moronic American/NATO propaganda that hadn't had a critical patch or update installed since being poorly conceived in the first place, in 1993.

You buncha flag-waving and social-media-profile displaying dumbshits. All of you, all the way right up to the top.

Item 3: Black Jesus Update

"Actually worked" for whom, and for what?

  1. Americans are fatter and more chronically ill than ever.

  2. More people are on medications and under managed continual care than ever.

  3. All-cause mortality is up, life expectancy is at stand still or creeping backwards.

  4. Healthcare insurance profits are up.

  5. Healthcare facilities profits are up.

  6. Pharmaceutical company profits are up.

Item 4: I got a kick out of writing this about high-frequency gym workouts in my upcoming manual, currently under development and testing.

What I want you to achieve is what I call sucky-fun. The workouts are tough, and when you do them on consecutive days—like you’ll have to in both the 4- and 5-day programs—then it’s going to get tougher, and sometimes it’s just going to suck. You need to bust ass and embrace the suck. You’ve got to get to where you love that it sucks so bad and won’t settle for less in the gym ever again. If you find that you can’t do a workout on any one day, then stop, go home, rest, eat, and recover.

Don’t ever permit yourself to do half-assed routines.

This is secret #1.

But, in return for embracing the suck, I’ve made it as fun as I possibly can. The suck is a lot easier and fun, actually, if it sucks a little differently each time.

Think of it like sex. It’s said there’s no such thing as bad sex, but that presumes that’s with a new partner. If it’s with the same partner day in, day out, then it is, indeed, bad sex, and you’ll eventually stop having it.

But what if you had 20 different partners, and each wasn’t super great, but at least it was sex, and it got the job done?


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